The Pillars of Bethel Missions

Bethel supports missions around the world in these 3 categories: 

  • International
  • National
  • Local

Bethel Missions

Take a look through our latest Missions Presentation to learn more about our Missions Ministry and how you can support or get involved!

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Missions Updates:

Missions Trips-





There are a lot of exciting things coming up!

Well it has been a whirlwind of a year so far and there doesn't seem to be any sign of it slowing down! I spent the winter traveling through and filming for organizations in Cambodia, Turkey, and Bangladesh.

Then my attention turned to my home region in the spring as I travelled through Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, and Serbia. Spending time strategizing effective ways to spread the gospel across the region as well as filming for more incredible Global Workers and the incredible things God is doing through them!

Now as I enter into the summer my schedule is once again booked tight! I will be starting off in Portugal with filming for a couple there that are impacting their community through children's and family ministries. Fight the reality of an increasing number of teen age pregnancies and families falling apart! Then I will be off to Rwanda to film for Youth Unlimited and the work they are doing there!

I will then be ending my summer spending about 3 weeks in Israel to tell the story of this on going conflict and how God is moving through this tragedy to reach His children and capture stories of truth and hope!

I want to take the opportunity to once again thank you all for the continued support and encouragement you have given me! None of this would be possible without you and I know that God is moving through OUR ministry to impact the world and tell the story of what He is doing across the globe!

I am planning on heading back to Canada for a couple months in the fall for a bit of a breather as well as to fundraise some more in order to expand the work that God is doing through this ministry! So I would ask for prayer as I aim to gain the funds necessary to continue this work! And I would love to connect with as many of you as possible while I am in the area!

Thank you all again! Your continued faithfulness means more than I could ever express! And I know that TOGETHER we will see lasting change happen for the kingdom!


Donation Code: JH40CAH
