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What's Love Got to Do With It? | Pastor Devon Martinsen

Sunday, February 5, 2023


Love- the core of our Faith!


James 2:14-17

  • Action = Love

Ephesians 2:1-10

  • It is by Grace you have been Saved - it is the Gift of God!
  • We can't earn our Salvation - nothing you DO...Just your faith and belief in Jesus Christ, His death on the cross and resurrection!

"A Labour of Love" - A piece of hard work that you do because you love it and not for compensation or recognition.

So, What's Love got to do with it??

  • Answer = EVERYTHING!

Expounding Points:

  1. Love More
  2. Work Hard
  3. Go Deeper

When you really love someone or something, you won't care about the work or the time you have to put into it!

Keep Loving MORE!

*Pour every ounce of love you have into it... relationships with people and with God!


1- Love More - Seek Him - spend more time seeking His heart.

  • Show the same grace to others that God shows you - forgiveness and mercy

2- Work Hard 

  • Do your Best!
  • Do everything like you're doing it for Jesus!
  • Works demonstrate a mature faith and love for Him...and draws others to Him!
  • "Faith demands a response, and Love demands Action!" (Love is always backed up by action!)

3- Go Deeper

  • Push through the pain and circumstances that make you want to quit!
  • Get a deeper understanding of who God is - What is His purpose - "God, how can you use me?"
  • Chase after Him the way He chases after you!  He relentlessly pursues you!


*Next, click here to watch the full replay of this sermon:  "What's Love Got to Do with It?"